Reflections on Scripture and life in ministry
The Three Prodigals
Benno Friesen
The other side of a well-known story.
How Pastors Can Keep Youth Workers
Mike Yaconelli
Want to know the secrets to having a youth pastor in your church for many years? Read this article!
Transforming Youth Leadership
Jeff Gunther
Why do youth pastors only stay in a church for such a short amount of time? What causes the constant change and flux?
Thoughts on a Mistissini Trip (2011)
Paul Racine
Reflections of a trip to three northern Cree communities to introduce Paul’s three summer interns.
Journey of Hope Beyond the Dead End
Paul Racine
Reflections on a trip to Northern Quebec and the need to see, and help others see, beyond the sorrows and troubles they are currently encountering.
Life Is Not Fair
Paul Racine
The Parable of the Vineyard Owner (Matthew 20:1-16)
I Need to See Some Miracles
Paul Racine
The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24)