Empowering Ottawa

For the past two and half months, Paul, Matt, and other local youth leaders have been working on a new YouTube channel called Empowering Ottawa. On this channel, leaders share empowering messages with youth from the Ottawa Region. Check out Paul and Matt’s videos on the theme of hope!

A New Normal

The pandemic and other social upheavals have many of us looking for normality. In these two short videos, Paul examines what “a new normal” looks like from God’s perspective. Be encouraged!

Mistissini Healing

This short documentary is called Mistissini Healing: Two Stories of Intergenerational Trauma.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G-yG0q7-mc&w=560&h=315]

“A quick update on one of the people in this video, MaryJanes Petawabano. She has now finished her education and is back in Mistissini working with their Native Addicitions program and bringing hope to many that their stories can be changed. And I am excited to tell you that she has also married Jeremiah and I had the privilege of doing their wedding in September 2019. It has been amazing to see God at work in their lives!”

Dessert Night 2019

On Wednesday, November 20, 2019 we held a dessert night to tell supporters and friends about what has been happening with Doulos Ministries. We captured the evening on video and here it is.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZaKS0G1vLc&w=560&h=315]

Ottawa Civic Prayer Breakfast

Paul, along with Gordon Petawabano and Mary-Jane Petwabano, was the speaker at the 10th annual Ottawa Civic Prayer Breakfast on October 25, 2019. Here is a video of the message.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjwWNhjDFhY&w=560&h=315]