A network of youth leaders in the National Capital region
Exousia is a supportive network of church and parachurch staff and volunteers. It is committed to the spiritual transformation of the National Capital region through the continual development of relevant, radical youth ministry. Exousia welcomes anyone currently engaged in Christian youth ministry, whether as a staff member or volunteer of a church or parachurch ministry. By “youth,” we mean ministry that primarily addresses the needs of, while not limited to, young people between the ages of 13-18 years. Of course, youth workers may also be responsible for other age groups or ministry duties.
Exousia exists to serve youth and youth workers in the National Capital region. This region clearly includes the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, the municipality of Cumberland, the cities of Gloucester, Kanata, Nepean, Ottawa, Vanier, the townships of Goulbourn, Osgoode, Rideau, West Carleton, and the village of Rockcliffe Park. Less clearly, this region may also include other surrounding towns if a youth worker in those areas feels that their constituency identifies with the city-church of the National Capital region.
Paul Racine is the coordinator of Exousia, which meets on the second Thursday of each month to pray, talk, and coordinate their efforts. Please contact us for more information.