Paul Racine
Paul was born in Montreal, QC. During his first year at Carleton University in Ottawa, ON, he began a real relationship with the historical and biblical Jesus, focused not on religious performance but on the grace and love of Christ.
Upon graduating with a BA, Paul joined a campus ministry and was stationed at the University of Manitoba. He worked with students in the Athletic Department, focusing on discipleship and evangelism. He also met his wife-to-be, Patty (one of the greatest blessings in his life!) They were married in 1981 in Moose Jaw, SK, and were then transferred to campuses in Ottawa. There, Paul led chapels for sports teams and continued in leadership development, discipleship, mentoring, and speaking.
In 1984, Paul transitioned from full-time ministry to working on Parliament Hill, where he spent the next 11 years. He worked for Member of Parliament Benno Friesen, who became a mentor and major influence in Paul’s life for nine of those years, and the relationship continues to bless Paul to this day. The experiences on Parliament Hill broadened Paul’s understanding of how to think and act as a Christian on major issues and events, as well as his understanding of high-level leadership. Additionally, Paul served the Parliament Hill Christian Fellowship and in youth ministry through his local church.
Paul left the Hill in 1995, joining the staff of Young Life Canada and becoming a part-time pastor. Paul had been an associate staff member of Young Life since 1990, working with youth as a lay leader while serving on Parliament Hill. Highlights included working directly in the high schools, with sports teams in the community, and in effective camp ministry. He served with Young Life until 2001.
In 2001 it was decided that an umbrella parachurch ministry should be established to enable Paul to network with and mentor youth pastors in the greater Ottawa region. Doulos Ministries was formed. Paul has been blessed to work in his areas of spiritual gifting: speaking in many different areas, leadership development, mentoring, and coaching. He enjoys coming alongside to encourage, comfort, strengthen, and help people realise their role in God’s story.
Paul’s hobbies include coaching football, reading, writing, working out, and golfing with friends.