The word doulos is Greek for servant. The purpose of Doulos is to come alongside existing ministries that work with youth or young adults so that they are affirmed and strengthened in their vision and calling. Mentoring, discipleship, and leadership development are central to what Doulos does.
Since its formation in the Ottawa area in 2001, Doulos Ministries has enabled Paul Racine to network with and mentor youth pastors full-time. Doulos also allows Paul to speak at youth groups, retreats, churches, seminars, schools, and conferences. Furthermore, Doulos has broadened into missions, especially in Northern Quebec among Cree communities.
Doulos works across denominational lines; it networks youth pastors and leaders together from different churches. This network, called Exousia, provides services and information that youth pastors want and need. Encouragement, prayer, refreshment, and a chance to dream God’s dreams for the region happen regularly. Together, Exousia takes on projects that could not be accomplished by individual or few youth pastors. Exousia meets every second Thursday of the month.
Another real need is having someone supporting leaders working in the trenches with youth. These leaders are often tired, discouraged, and isolated. Next to being a church worship leader, youth pastoring is the toughest calling. The only time you hear from parents or leadership is when something is perceived as wrong or missing. Support is necessary.
In the last decade, Doulos has expanded to minister among Cree youth in Northern Quebec. This began with camps held in partnership with professional football and basketball teams. It has since grown to holding six weeks of summer youth camp in at least six different communities.
Doulos is a non-profit charitable organisation that relies on the donations of individuals to continue its ministry. God has been faithful in meeting our needs day by day, year after year, and we are grateful for those He has raised up who help us continue the calling.